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Travel and See; Why you can't afford to stay in one place

On countless occasions, we are posed with a very significant yet intriguing question. Why travel? The reason why many people do not see the essence of travel is because they are either too comfortable where they are or they simply do not see the need to travel. In travel lies a permanent solution to many of life’s most pertinent problems. Jovago, Africa’s leading online hotel booking portal brings you a few reasons why you just cannot afford to stay in one place.

1. Eye opener - Those who do not travel the world, just live in one place. Their lives are a static routine of events and repeated ambiences. Traveling opens your eyes to a host of new things, new people, culture, cuisine, lifestyle and a different side of life. When you travel, you see things that ideally you may not see in your home destination. If you do not travel, your eyes are literally just closed. Travel and see, then you will understand.

2. Creating meaningful relationships - Traveling helps you to create meaningful relationships. At home, most of the relationships we have are between us and our family, friends or loved ones whom we have known forever. When you travel, you network, establish new contacts and create relationships that last a lifetime. These are people you might not meet anywhere else in the world. Therefore, make the most of it. You might need them someday.

3. Adventure - Life itself is an adventure. Exploring new avenues or venturing into the world of the unknown is itself a great piece of adventure. When we travel, we are often faced with expectations of the things, places and people we will meet and live with in the destination we are headed. The expectations may either be met or there may be huge disappointments. Whatever the case maybe, there is simply no adventure in your comfort zone. Get up and move, you will find out that there is great adventure in it.


4. Amazing stories - Every traveler has a story,most of which are ‘super stories’. However some of these stories are just nothing to write home about. We create our own stories when we travel. There is absolutely no new story when you stay at home. It’s just the same old routine. When you travel around the world, experiences come your way that make the travel stories worth listening to. From loss of luggages to misinterpreting a language to the different culture shocks, you will definitely have one or two great stories to tell.

5. Dreams come true – Every dream can become a reality only if you work towards it. Everyone dreams at a certain point in their lives. Sometimes they come to pass. At other times we just ignore them. However we choose to handle our dreams, it is clear that achieving a particular dream is very fulfilling and there is great joy and satisfaction in it. Many people dream of a vacation or a travel to a very fancy destination. How to get there is usually the problem. The motivation to actually live your travel dream is the first step fulfilling that particular dream. So go on, let your dreams come to life!
Credit : Jovago

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