A lot happens on Akumaa Mama Zimbi’s page, usually concerning relationships. Then again, lots of Ghanaian girls prefer to date Nigerian guys, this has been attributed to reasons like money (Nigerian guys in Ghana have), lies (Nigerian guys tell these girls), boasting and natural bragging etc.
This Nigerian girl decided to pour her heart out on Akumaa Mama Zimbi’s page about her choice of man.
It seems the part where she said “Ghanaian men are swaggerless and short” hit a nerve. Ghanaian men descended on her.
Sigh! Catch the scene below. Are you a girl, have you dated a Nigerian guy before? Between Ghanaian and Nigerian men, who’s got the most swag?
Read her full message below:
This Nigerian girl decided to pour her heart out on Akumaa Mama Zimbi’s page about her choice of man.
It seems the part where she said “Ghanaian men are swaggerless and short” hit a nerve. Ghanaian men descended on her.
Sigh! Catch the scene below. Are you a girl, have you dated a Nigerian guy before? Between Ghanaian and Nigerian men, who’s got the most swag?
Read her full message below: